Luna Lovegood’s Radish Earrings – Knitting Pattern

Luna Lovegood’s Radish Earrings – Knitting Pattern

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I have a friend who is potty about Harry Potter. So for his birthday, his girlfriend plotted with a group of us to surprise him with a trip to Harry Potter World at Universal Studios. I had been thinking about doing Luna Lovegood’s radish (dirigible plum) earrings for some time, and what better excuse!

I decided to knit them, and raided my yarn box to see if I had the right colours. I did! I chose an orangey-red for the main, a dark red for contrast, a variegated grey/white for the root and two shades of green for the leaf.

I used double pointed needles, and started  with the grey, leaving a 1-2 inch tail for the root. Then I switched to the orangey-red for the body, increasing each round. I left long tails from the colour change to use as stuffing. I swiss-darned with the dark red to fill in the bottom of the red section where it looked a bit thin. The leaf is 28 chain of dark and light greens held together. I just looped and stitched it to the top. I then trimmed the ‘roots’ to match and added the metal findings.

In progress, you can see some of my prototypes as well.


The finished earrings

Here is my knitting pattern:

Row 1    With 2 double pointed needles, cast on 1 stitch, grey.

Row 2    Knit front and back (2 sts)

Row 3    K1, cast on 1, K1 (3 sts)

Row 4    Change to red, put onto 3 double pointed needles taking care not to twist. This row joins the circle. K around. (3 sts, one on each needle)

Row 5    (Knit front and back) repeat around (6 sts, 2 on each needle)

Tie off red and grey ends, leaving long tails.

Row 6    Knit around (6 sts)

Row 7    (K1, Knit front and back) repeat around (9 sts, 3 on each needle)

Row 8    Knit around (9 sts)

Row 9    Knit around (9 sts)


Cut red tail long. Thread tail through all stitches, do not pull tight yet.

Turn, pulling bottom grey tail through –  this is the ‘root’ of your radish.

Stuff with the tied grey/red ends from the colour change.

Pull the drawstring top tight to close.

Use a darning needle to do a few stitches with the red tail to secure it.

Use a darning needle with the dark red yarn to swiss darn some shading at the bottom of the red section. This is also useful to fill in any odd-looking holes.

Leaf: with dark and light green yarns held together, do 28 chain. Loop this like a three-leaf clover and stitch to the top of the radish.

Findings: I made a thread loop, then added a jump ring and put the earring wire on the jump ring. This is personal preference however. The earring wires can be attached however you prefer.

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