Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions.

How did you learn to sew?

I learned from my mum growing up. She used to make our clothes, curtains and all sorts. She even made dolls for me and my sister! I got my first sewing box for Christmas when I was 8 and started off making dolls’ clothes. After high school I made my first few major costumes, then I went off to Uni and didn’t sew much. I got back into it much more seriously after I finished my master’s degree.

Where do you get your fabric?

All over the place! Joann Fabrics is an easy one for basics (for those outside the US, this is the most common chain fabric store in the states). If I want something more specialized I go to Colorado Fabrics, which is my local fabric shop. For linen, I order online from fabrics-store.com. I also love 42 Custom Fabrics, a UK based company which does small batches for preorder on your choice of base – my favourite is the cotton poplin.

Where do you wear this stuff?

I wear my creations to teas, vintage balls, comicons, renaissance faires, festivals, book launches, dance events… All sorts really. See the Events tab at the top of the page for specific events!

How did you make this blog?

I struggled along on my own for a bit, and then I took a course. I started with a free Five Day Email Crash Course and then decided to go for the in-depth, 30 day paid course. It was the best thing I could have done!

Click here for the free 5 day course that I did (affiliate link).

Who takes your pictures?

Family, friends, me using a timer. Nothing fancy.

Why do you have so many cats?

The orange tabby called Teazer was our family cat growing up, and he lived with me for a few years before going back to my mum’s. So he shows up quite often in my pictures. For the rest, I am a ‘foster parent’ for a lovely organization called Maxfund, which is a no-kill shelter based in Denver, Colorado. Sometimes my fosters are adopted and sometimes they stay with me long term. Either way, they all love to help me with my projects!