Tag: Grommets

Valkyrie – Butterick 4827 – Dyeing and Finishing

Valkyrie – Butterick 4827 – Dyeing and Finishing

Dying the dress was a long process, but easy. I started by dying some scraps, experimenting with different fade times and combinations. I settled on 10 seconds per inch for the first 8 inches, then 1 minute per inch thereafter. To keep the bottom half 

Renaissance Faire Garb – Old and New

Renaissance Faire Garb – Old and New

In 2006 I went to my very first Renaissance Faire, and I made an entire outfit for it. I used Simplicity 8715 for the blouse (view A) and skirts (view B). For the bodice I used Butterick 6196, because I didn’t want the ties on